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babyblue8843@hotmail.com filzahGF juneGF weilengGF weiyingGF dianLOVE ekynnLOVE feeLOVE lalaLOVE nisaLOVE ziziLOVE 1A02 LemonPi08 ZeTaPi FOC'08 Xpdtari blogspot Xpdtari multiply SriNadi multiply amz adee amelia.tan amelia.yap an.arab an.hiphop alwin azuan carrie dayah fiza farhana hazman hafiz.s huifang hummy humaira huihui imran jamie jasmin jiamin jiaxin jo-aan kak.siti kezia kerin kyle ms.chin mr.shamsul mel nadiyah peiqi syafiq shannon yanti yvonne zalilah zoe
| Thursday, April 30, 2009
@ 10:52 PM
![]() ![]() i can't wait for classes to end cos i wan the long weekend hahaha =) once the clock tick-ed to 3.30pm i was a happy girl smiling widely n suddenly i dun feel sleepy anymore hahahaha! head over to clubbie to pass n settle some stuff went down to print sth n guess wad? wen i was paying my HP..dearest HP dropped i jus stood dere n look ony for a few seconds the batt, the cover n the phone itself were separated from each other my heart literally dropped but i quickly jus fix it all back tahnk god my HP is a-ok dun fall sick ok dearest HP cab-ed to RP to watch their production gosh! so xpensive can the fare? watched the play it was good GOOD JOB RP MCG a very impactful and worth-watching production i was practically at the edge of my seat at some scenes cos it looked so real n i cn feel the emotions of the cast had dinner over at LJS wif Hazman & Fee i had fun today =D xoxo i want to sleep late (maybe alil late laa tonite cos im oredie tired) i want to wake up late i jus want to rest tomorrow =) enjoy ur long weekend people!!!!! sometimes love knock you down unconscious/ semi-conscious not aware of ur surroundings just in ur own world wer ony the 2 of you exists i never thought i'll be in love like dis xoxo wo ai ni sarangheyo jetaime *wide smile* Wednesday, April 29, 2009
@ 10:56 AM
in class now having 3 hr of academic writing the weather is cold n im hungry a long day today lessons till 6pm gah! help! edited! i survived another long wednesday i had fun singing n dancing to the song highway no. 1 lunch wif baby n short meetup wif fee,im n arab was great stayed in school wif Ekynn, Nisa & Dian till nite went home wif baby dat summarises my wednesday another hectic day for me tomorrow haiya im jus so so exhausted n i found myself in my dream zone here nden tinking of stuff that i noe ishudnt tink about but jus cnt help feeling dat way Tuesday, April 28, 2009
@ 11:19 PM
been busy busy like a bumble bee sunday was spent wif me watching the semi's for Piala KGMS I well done to the Paduka boys for their hard work n trainings for this comp its ok if you guys didnt get into the next round.. as long as you guys did ur best u guys r a winner already! =D went over to Vivo after dat wif baby togehter wif Fir,Amz, Arab n Liana stories shared bout the hospital n we girls decide to come up wif our very own dialogue of wad the guys r toking about remember the "Hello girls." n "ok ok now my turn" n "wah..got pretty girls over there.." hahahaha i laughed my ass off man monday was back to school had normal classes n dance tiring i tell you Financial Managment is a lil confusing i never took POA before n i tot i will not touch on it ever in my life guess wad? i have to do all dis Accounting, Managing a business n all those god-noes-wad terms im having trouble understanding all these terms im no fan of numbers gah! tuesday was LECTURE day dry n long i nearly fall asleep like literally during DLE n i tot in MAYC i will not fall asleep but i was rong the sleep bug hit me even wif a sour sweet in my mouth i doze off a lil but manage to stay awake 3.75 of the lecture time hahahaha! ITBD was alil fun =) it was an introductory lecture (1st lecture for this module) by 4pm class ended btw i knew my attachment centre already going to meet new kids in a new environment next week n im being placed at CCK NORTH wah..so far eh from my house but no complaints im excited n nervous at the same time to meet kids whee now attachment is gonna b mre difficult n mre tasks hav to b completed cn i hav the holidays now? pretty pretty please.. oh oh dance was alrite today i had fun chit-chatting wif my tarian girls n i cnt laugh properly due to cramps n my body aches ok i hav so many things to do jus finished one task n i hav anther one but im too sleepy oredie.. gah! ok ok aishah..quickly do n go sleep ok.. toodles people!! xoxo aishah
Saturday, April 25, 2009
@ 12:09 AM
DRAMA WAS FUN FUN FUN after so long of not coming together to meet up the training session went well freshies joined in everyone were laughing n smiling away dis drama family of mine = GEREK! my dearest -EKYNN LOVE -LALA LOVE -NISA LOVE -ZIZI LOVE -FEELOVE -WANNY LOVE -DIAN LOVE thks so much babes for those hugs n kisses dun worry bout me ok i will be alrite im glad i hav u guys im jus so glad to hav many people hu loves me hu cares for me thank you so so much =) n bbylove i love you i cummeeeee nak u ajeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...... =D we'll slowly fix things even if it takes us a long time one thing's for sure dis gurl here needs u in her life n he's my Mr. Sexyback *winks* =D life can be unpredictable at times but do embrace all happiness n sadness n problems n obstacles wif a smile n not forgetting the *never-say-die* attitude cos wen we smile, dere's nth in this world that's gonna demoralise us so bad cos we noe things will be alrite.that every problem can be solved.believe that there's a way out. be brave i have a habit of talking to myself so aishah stay strong n AZA AZA FIGHTING!! go go go! =D xoxo
Friday, April 24, 2009
@ 1:03 PM
how much it hurts. cnt go on like dis its literally killing me im losing control there is a way out i noe dere is dat gurl hu's full of smiles come back i need you back get well soon ok have loads of rest here's lots of hugs n kisses from me to u xoxo - i cnt wait to meet my Sri Nadi peeps later - i miss my HAPPY PILLS - FARA..i need you darling.. - just wer r u F? =( can all dis negativity STOP?????
Thursday, April 23, 2009
@ 11:54 PM
just how long m i going to hang on? im not in my very best mood hang in there aishah things will b alrite i really really hope running away wun solve any problems dun do dat i cnt take it im not able to handle it it hurts so much =(
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
@ 12:54 PM
HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY SWEETS i miss you like crazy darla lets hav cuzzie outing soon pretty please n to the both of dem AMALINA n FARISA may u hav a great birthday today i wish you guys all the very best in everything you do =D
@ 12:42 PM
![]() ![]() haha ok im a day late but im jus glad its over oh oh oh! i have been sleeping real early these few days by 12am im in LALA land too tired i guess i dun like morning classes trouble waking up n the bus so packed gosh! i cnt wait for holidays already (god! school just started for goodness sake aishah) morning bump-ed into Eera at thebustop n went to sch wif her had fun talking to her =) met up wif classmates at cheers as per normal attended 3 hrs of Academic Writing Yay! i endured Wheeeeeeeeeee pretty fun not too dry break for 2 hrs now at ourspace jus chillax-ing after lunch.. all i want to do is sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeppppppppp... keep me awake pls!!!!!!!!!! gah gah gah!! cos its too late dere's no escape lalala its been too long lalalala stuck wif each other hahaha im insane laa now dis is wad u get wen im sleepy n zoning out meeting my Stupid Man later i owe him an outing if i cancel he's gonna scream at me haha so i shall be a good n nice gurl n not cancel again hahahaha busy busy busy p.s: i wan to sleep p.p.s: i miss someone so bad xoxo aishah edited at 8.34pm had dinner wif Benj at Pastamania was darn full yummy =) short catch up session thx loads =) take care ok! n dun alwaes wan to go find pretty girls ony hahahaha im tired after a full day of school but i enjoy all the lessons today wheets!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
@ 9:55 PM
living in a world of uncertainties u never noe wad can happen' jus what r U doing to me? making me all confused im losing control & having just plain *i-cnt-b-bothered* attitude whatever that comes my way gonna jus face it complaining, rejoicing, sigh of relief, tears of sadness n joy will be shed but all will be worth the effort cos i noe i've tried my mind is in a fluster im alwaes in a daze i think too much im exhausted physically n mentally drained out juggling many things in life at one go is never easy no one did sae life's an easy road *stop,look,smile,sigh alil* but it stops there cos they never impress me like how F did cos i dun love n like dem like how i love n like F cos im not serious wif dem but serious wif F haha y the heck m i saying all dis??? *smirks* at least im still normal *peace peace* ^-^ zizi wif her kicap lala wif her *slaps forehead* handwriting ekynn n nisa wif their left-handedness fee wif her minah repness mcc wif our crazy antics classmates wif our trying to focus in class bby wif his cheekyness n his smiles dat was my TUESDAY i had fun laughing,dancing,smiling n staring at someone xoxo aishah Monday, April 20, 2009
@ 10:10 PM
I never want all dis to happen n it somehow did relief? glad? happy? sad? angry? a mixture of emotions. cos i remembered how it was from the time wen i first step into that school until school officially started n today is the first day of school a brand new year for me freshie no more n i look around i hav great frens great classmates great company great family great boyf i appreciate all dis wad mre cn i ask for i hav issues to settle wif myself giv me that STRENGTH for me to overcome everything i love dat SILLY, CRAZY BOYF OF MINE hu calls himself Mr SEXYBACK (slaps forehead) =D xoxo
Friday, April 17, 2009
@ 10:36 PM
6 hrs of dance i had fun i laughed, i whined, i ate things r alwaes great wif my dancers around =) GO XPDTARI!! hahahaha 3 dances in 2 days power or wad even though my legs r all wobbly n feels like jelly i love dancing n i find it fun so its all worth the effort being put in we cn be better i noe we can =D dear diary things r getting tougher each day but im not giving up what i hav planned will go on no matter wad cos im not letting anything make me fall n giv up no way everything will go as planned =) im proud to be in SRI NADI n XPDTARI my passion . my commitment . my responsibility nth gonna stop me wen i sae i wan things to happen =D xoxo aishah at a time like dis i wan u @ 1:12 AM